Net Zero

Net Zero – What does it mean?

Net Zero refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gases produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere. Achieving Net Zero means that any carbon emissions produced are offset by an equivalent amount of carbon removal, so the net emissions become zero. This concept is crucial for combating climate change, as it aims to limit the rise in global temperatures by reducing emissions to as close to zero as possible. Many countries, companies, and organizations have set Net Zero targets, typically aiming for a specific year by which they will reach this balance.

So in simple terms Net Zero is designed to “manage the balance between renewable energy sources and carbon-emitting ones”.

How can Future Focus help?

By providing the latest Energy and Environmental monitoring solutions for our clients we are able to assist them in providing the necessary information to support the implementation of their technologies into applications verifying that they meet and comply with any necessary agreements to ensure that the environmental targets are met and help promote sustainable Net Zero compliance, and energy-efficient heating and cooling solutions for new developments. The purpose is to support environmental targets and promote sustainability within local communities.

Where can Future Focus can help?

Example – Section 106 on Heating & Cooling for Residential properties

Section 106 refers to a part of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 in the UK, which allows local authorities to enter into legally binding agreements or planning obligations with developers. These agreements are often referred to as Section 106 agreements or planning obligations. They are used to mitigate the impact of new developments by ensuring that the necessary infrastructure and community benefits are provided. This could include contributions to affordable housing, schools, transportation improvements, or green spaces. The terms of a Section 106 agreement are negotiated between the developer and the local planning authority as part of the planning application process.

Sustainability Measures: Section 106 agreements can include conditions for installing energy-efficient systems such as district heating networks or renewable energy sources (e.g., heat pumps, solar thermal systems) to reduce carbon emissions and enhance energy performance in buildings.

The monitoring solutions provided by Future Focus can be essential in providing the crucial Coefficient of Performance figures in ensuring the systems installed are complying with the stringent specific carbon reduction standards.

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