Integrate EV charging into your buildings BMS system
EV Charging is rapidly becoming a major part of a buildings energy consumption and will only increase.

New functionality added to our OCPP to Modbus TCP&RTU Protocol Translator
We implement Smart Charging Operations based on charging profiles to combine usage priority, schedules and power limitation in the EV charger from the Modbus BMS.

Do you have Air Conditioning?
If you have Air Conditioning within your organisation or building then please do spare 1 minute to watch this video, it could put you on the first step to saving ££££££££’s on your energy bills and of course significantly reduce your Co2.

Working in Partnership
I am very pleased and proud to announce that Future Focus Energy are working in partnership as a Channel Partner of HMS/Intesis. World leading providers of Protocol Translators, and Air Conditioning Interfaces.

Why Future Focus Energy Limited?
To coincide with the launch of our new website in the next few weeks, we are very proud and excited to be releasing our latest software “Energy Effects” Developed in-house by our experienced energy monitoring team, we thought it was time for something new.

Humanised Energy Monitoring Software
To coincide with the launch of our new website in the next few weeks, we are very proud and excited to be releasing our latest software “Energy Effects” Developed in-house by our experienced energy monitoring team, we thought it was time for something new.

New Website
To coincide with the launch of our new website in the next few weeks, we are very proud and excited to be releasing our latest software “Energy Effects” Developed in-house by our experienced energy monitoring team, we thought it was time for something new.